Drinking Water
Drinking Water
When we turn on the tap, clean drinking water is something we expect. But let's not take it for granted. Though the United States has some of the highest water quality in the world, new challenges greet us every day. We work hard to keep our drinking water in compliance.
Richmond is one of the largest producers of water in central Virginia. Our water treatment plant, built in 1924, can produce up to 130 million gallons every day to meet the needs of our citizens, along with residents in parts of surrounding counties. At our water treatment plant, water from the James River flows into the facility, where large and small particles are removed using settling basins and filtration systems. Processes contribute to further cleaning the water and providing dental protection. The water is then distributed through pipes to our homes and businesses.
To keep tap water safe, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires routine tests of drinking water to identify potential contaminants such as bacteria and pesticides. The City of Richmond’s water is continuously tested and meets or exceeds EPA standards for safe drinking water. For more information, call EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791.
For more information on our drinking water treatment process, click here.

Clean, safe water is an important part of every family’s life, and something we’ve come to take for granted.
Bob Steidel
City of Richmond, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for Operations