Who We Are
Who We Are
In 2014, the City of Richmond’s Department of Public Utilities (DPU) launched RVAH2O as a collaborative, long-term effort. “RVA” is a popular acronym for Richmond, Virginia. “H2O,” the formula for water, represents every aspect of the City’s clean water efforts. The goal of the campaign was ambitious: develop the first Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) permit in the Commonwealth of Virginia that integrates wastewater, stormwater, and a combined sewer system into one watershed management program – a more efficient and holistic approach to water systems management.
By working collaboratively with stakeholders, we were able to achieve our ultimate goal in 2017: acquiring the integrated VPDES permit and developing the RVA Clean Water Plan to guide implementation.
Throughout this process, we discovered that RVAH2O is not just about one organization or permit, but is instead a united effort to craft a water plan for a future all Richmonders can stand behind. These shared goals are about beautifying and restoring our neighborhoods, and promoting economic progress and tourism in support of a vibrant community.

Over the last several years, the RVAH2O program has provided a very valuable forum for City stakeholders to work together on water-related issues. As Richmond continues the very challenging work of modernizing its combined sewer system, RVAH2O will ensure a robust and constructive dialogue among stakeholders, and we look forward to participating.
Peggy Sanner
Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Virginia Executive Director